October 30 – Morning
“I will praise thee, O Lord.” Psalm 9:1 Praise should always follow answered prayer; as the mist of earth’s gratitude rises when the sun of heaven’s love warms the ground. Hath the Lord been gracious to thee, and inclined his …
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“I will praise thee, O Lord.” Psalm 9:1 Praise should always follow answered prayer; as the mist of earth’s gratitude rises when the sun of heaven’s love warms the ground. Hath the Lord been gracious to thee, and inclined his …
“But their eyes were holden that they should not know him.” Luke 24:16 The disciples ought to have known Jesus, they had heard his voice so often, and gazed upon that marred face so frequently, that it is wonderful they …
“After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, etc.” Matthew 6:9 This prayer begins where all true prayer must commence, with the spirit of adoption, “Our Father.” There is no acceptable prayer until we can say, …
“His head is as the most fine gold, his locks are bushy, and black as a raven.” Song of Solomon 5:11 Comparisons all fail to set forth the Lord Jesus, but the spouse uses the best within her reach. By …
“I have chosen you out of the world.” John 15:19 Here is distinguishing grace and discriminating regard; for some are made the special objects of divine affection. Do not be afraid to dwell upon this high doctrine of election. When …