August 16 – Morning
“Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name.” Psalm 29:2 God’s glory is the result of his nature and acts. He is glorious in his character, for there is such a store of everything that is holy, and …
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“Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name.” Psalm 29:2 God’s glory is the result of his nature and acts. He is glorious in his character, for there is such a store of everything that is holy, and …
“And I will give you an heart of flesh.” Ezekial 36:26 A heart of flesh is known by its tenderness concerning sin. To have indulged a foul imagination, or to have allowed a wild desire to tarry even for a …
“Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide.” Genesis 24:63 Very admirable was his occupation. If those who spend so many hours in idle company, light reading, and useless pastimes, could learn wisdom, they would find more …
“I know their sorrows.” Exodus 3:7 The child is cheered as he sings, “This my father knows”; and shall not we be comforted as we discern that our dear Friend and tender soul-husband knows all about us? He is the …
“Thou, Lord, hast made me glad through thy work.” Psalm 92:4 Do you believe that your sins are forgiven, and that Christ has made a full atonement for them? Then what a joyful Christian you ought to be! How you …